Monday, May 17, 2010

The Moon and Stars in Your Life

The planets are a very important facet of astrology, particularly the sun and moos being the most popular. The two planets are also referred to as luminaries, the sun is the star located at the center of the solar system, around which all other planets evolve. The sun not only important to astrology but also provides the earth with warmth and light.

Astrology sees the sun which is believed to represent the conscious ego and self, personal pride, and contains leadership qualities. The sun is also involved in various creative enterprises and is considered a vital life force. Medically the sun is associated with the circulatory system, heart and thymus gland, ruler of the fifth house and the fun side of life.

There are many things that an astrologer can figure out by using a person’s birth date and time of birth information. A person born on the last day of any particular month is considered to be on the cusp and this means will be more heavily influenced by the next sign of the month.

In the Chinese astrology, the sun and moon are referred to as yang and yin, representative of masculinity and femininity. Sun signs are exclusively referred to by date of birth and this is said to show an individual’s basic character and be the underlying core of one’s potential and uniqueness as an individual.

Is it possible to ignore the brightness and warmth of the sun? No, not really because it is so vibrant and hard to miss. Most people do not know that all 12 signs of the zodiac somewhere in their birth chart and the key is finding out which each one falls and how it all comes together; through help from an astrologer it can be easier to understand.

Although some astrologers may downplay its importance, the sun is very important to astrology and how everything meshes together in your birth sign is the key to unlocking a better understanding of your path in life. In order for a person to feel fulfilled in life, knowing where the Sun falls in the birth chart is very important and can give you information about the course of your future.

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