Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Astrology Today: September 22

Aries: Someone at work obsesses over issues that have no place in the project. Respond sympathetically, but keep everyone moving in the right direction.

Taurus: Narrow your vision without losing track of the bigger picture. That way, you communicate all the necessary details and retain the scope.

Gemini: Maintain a detailed checklist of everything that needs to get done. Others go in different directions but arrive at the same goal.

Cancer: You feel compelled to speak your mind now. With more than one target, you have plenty of pointed comments to choose from. Shoot at your own peril.

Leo: Pay attention to the details of bookkeeping. You may obsess over balances and due dates. Handle today's problems today and let others wait. Don't worry; be merry.

Virgo: Pointing your friends in the right direction may require more than sticking your finger out. They may need inspiration and encouragement.

Libra: Co-workers have similar ideas about what should happen, but very different styles of communicating those thoughts. Resolve mixed emotions.

Scorpio: If you attend a meeting today, be sure to take more than just your outline with you. Others want to understand the underlying principles.

Sagittarius: The inner workings of your family dynamics include intuition or psychic ability. Someone has a deeper sense of what needs to happen now.

Capricorn: Someone assumes the role of teacher and proceeds to lecture you. The critical tone does nothing to help. Tell a joke to lighten the atmosphere.

Aquarius: The challenge today is in defining your goal. Take time to apply logic to your considerations. That way, energy from enthusiasm powers you.

Pisces: Someone's in an obsessively picky mood, and you're the target. You could take it personally but don't. It's not about you. Don't react.

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