Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why Your Kids Need Astrology Even More Than You!

For many people, a personal astrological reading is like a form of psychotherapy. We get them to understand ourselves better, to learn to work within our limitations and celebrate our positives and to help guide us through decisions. But really, we're old enough to take care of ourselves … it's our kids that can really use that insight!
Children's accurate horoscopes can be a valuable tool. Imagine having an instant understanding of how your child will react to stressful situations, whether he or she can handle challenges or is best left to move at their own pace, what they see when they look at you (their parents), and which careers would best suit them. A carefully researched horoscope will include many things:
  • Your child's personality: Looking at the planets at your child's time of birth is a valuable guide to their personality
  • The way they relate to both their mother and father: Accurate horoscopes for children will usually include an assessment of what children see when they look at the parents, and what characteristics they have inherited from you. This section will be different for siblings, because it explores the dynamic between the parent and child, not simply the parent.
  • Their mental tendencies: Good astrological readings will tell you about your child's areas of interest and their attitude towards studying, which could be very valuable later on!
  • Their physical tendencies: Online astrology readings can also indicate strong and weak areas in your child's general health. Please note though, that they are not intended to be a substitute for medical advice.
Another valuable insight that these child's online astrology reports will give you is into the generational influences that he experiences. Parents obviously don't attend school with their kids, or constantly supervise their play, and some times the attitudes they bring home can seem inexplicable! Nature and nurture obviously both have roles to play in your child's upbringing, and this section of the report can be one of the most valuable for many parents. Again, this section can vary from child to child as every one takes different things away from the influences of their peers and television.
Another small but very important benefit of having your child's personal astrology reading done early in life is that you are much more likely to remember their birth time accurately!

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