Friday, August 13, 2010

Astrology for Today

Aries: Don't plan on starting new projects today. Instead, spend your time revising or reworking a presentation so that others get it.

Taurus: Everyone who needs to be is on site and presumably working hard. You don't have time to check them, so stick to your own assignment.

Gemini: Hunker down and prepare to weather the storm. Today won't last forever. Stick to details, get organized and save imagination for another day.

Cancer: Create balance in your thinking before you leave the house. Meditate, exercise or spend extra time in the shower. Then go out with a smile.

Leo: While others float off into daydream land, you're left holding the fort. While they're not paying attention, it's really quiet and you get a lot done.

Virgo: Get down to the practical level with your creative ideas. Logic has served you well, but now actual work is required. Get to it.

Libra: Get down to business early and stick to it until you accomplish at least one of your goals. You don't have to do everything today.

Scorpio: Maintain your businesslike attitude now. There are enough obstacles without you creating another one. Speak persuasively, without demand.

Sagittarius: Teamwork is essential. Everyone's cramped together, so you must share resources. Take time out for a leisurely lunch later, with favorite treats.

Capricorn: Evoke your practical acumen to resolving social issues. Ask people to leave their differences of opinion at home. Expect cooperation.

Aquarius: Schedule a private meeting to go over significant differences of opinion. Logic gets you a long way toward a solution. Use optimistic language.

Pisces: Do not expect anything exciting to happen today, unless you think work and more work does the trick. Instead, plow forward for results later.

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