Monday, August 2, 2010

Horoscopes for 2/08/10

Today Astrology Predictions

Aries: Take a few minutes in the morning to consider what practical results you desire. Talk with co-workers to maximize efficiency.

Taurus: This is a great day for a vacation. You and a partner really enjoy distant locales. If you stay at home, create an exotic mood.

Gemini: A powerful partner provides everything you need to complete a remodel or decorating project. Stick close to the task as supervision's required.

Cancer: Team members work together like a well-oiled machine. Assignments have been given and everyone knows what they need to do. Settle.

Leo: Every effort today brings positive results, either immediately, or in the near future. Allow your talents free reign. You get amazing results.

Virgo: Communicate your insights in practical language. You have the skills to get the idea across without tension. Smile when you speak.

Libra: You benefit from spending time in seclusion, thinking about what you truly want. You have the power to make it happen, but you need clarity.

Scorpio: Today's goal includes clear communication of your heart's desires. Think about it before you speak. Is that really what you want?

Sagittarius: You have high expectations about what you can accomplish today. Focus on the practical side and don't waver. You manage all that and more.

Capricorn: Get ready for the best day you've had lately. You know exactly what you want, and find the means to achieve it. Remember this taste of ease for later.

Aquarius: Your partner has a new financial plan for your consideration. Mull it over carefully before you take action. Creative accounting may not work.

Pisces: If only days like this came on the weekend! You and a friend could have such great fun. Either take the day off or inject your work with playfulness.

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